Dam! so long ago i didnt enter this site! but dam! i still remember all the good things! i remember when a lot of users made codes... and gfx! also i rememeber a lots of users.. that with time..instead of being simple users... they were my friends!.
All the good codes that were made in that time.... all the good sigs that were posted...dam! this was a very good site!, i still temember when i first enter...it was just a simple site with like 5 users! and now there are so fkn much...but now everyone that enters is a noob that only copy codes... :'( and theres no active memberss with a high rank... thats very badd.... because really it was goodd.... very good... but i think a lots of users will remember that times... when playing mohh2 was something very cool...and now its just a simple ruined game... :\ anyway....i just wanted to post this in ordder to remember all that times
....and ok... if anyone wants to stay in contact with me.. then add me to msn!
edwin@stumped.co.in ok... so... bye! i hope someone (that was my friend) can read this and also remember that good times